Louisiana - Thieves used tow truck to steal cars - How to protect yourself against theft
When the average person sees a tow truck hauling a vehicle away, you generally assume that it was requested. Normally, there’s a legitimate reason for towed vehicles but two Louisiana men took advantage of this assumption. They were using a tow truck to steal cars and sell them for scraps. They were caught when Dawn Dedeaux saw the two trying to take her van. Luckily, she was able to gather information about the tow truck and went to the police.
With her help, the police tracked down the two Gretna residents and arrested them on counts of theft and conspiracy. Before trying to steal Dedeaux’s car, the men had stolen at least three other cars from her neighborhood, even targeting her next door neighbor. No matter where you are hit by a car thief, it can impact your life tremendously. There are several steps you can take to make it harder to steal your car but one precaution you should always take is having insurance. This can help lessen the blow if your car is stolen but only certain kinds of coverage will help.
Real Life Car Theft
Images on movies show car thieves driving away in luxury vehicles, speeding down highways and fleeing from police. In real life, this isn’t how stealing a car works. In fact, most car thieves avoid newer models. A missing luxury car is more conspicuous than a 1995 Honda Civic, one of the most common cars stolen. Thieves target common cars because after they steal them, they usually take them to an auto body shop to sell for parts. Now any legitimate auto shop will not buy a car without proper licensing and titles but there are those that exist that support this criminal enterprise. The FBI states that more than 1 million cars are stolen every year and that number is climbing. Once your car is stolen, it can be very hard to locate so it is important to take the necessary precautions in order to do your best to keep your car in your possession.
Preventing Car Theft
The number one way to prevent theft is to always lock your doors. You never know when and where a car thief can
strike. If you live in a generally safe neighborhood, you can get lulled into a false sense of confidence. Thieves generally scope out an area before they try to target it and they will take notice if many of the residents don’t lock their doors at notice. But then there are some thieves that strike at random and locking your door can act as a simple deterrent especially in a crowded area. That extra effort to get your door unlocked will likely attract a lot
of unwelcome attention.
In addition to locking your doors, don’t leave your running and unattended. This makes it very easy to steal. You will find many people doing this during the winter to warm their cars up. And during the summer, while it may seem like a good idea to leave your windows down to avoid the stifling heat upon your return, it could be a bad surprise to find your windows along with everything else gone! Even if the windows are just cracked, a thin arm or coat hanger can easily unlock your door. Don’t tempt strangers to break into your car. How many times have you heard about someone having their entire CD collection stolen because it was left in the seat of the car? In today’s terms, it would be best not to leave your iPod or Mp3 player in plain view. The thought of having an additional bonus might make a thief try that much harder.
When looking for a parking spot, try to find a well-lit area, especially if you aren’t familiar with your surroundings. Parking garages with attendants are a good option or on a busy street. With more people around, someone trying to steal a car might get noticed quicker. And don’t forget about parking at your house. Dawn Dedeaux’s car was parked right in her neighborhood when it was stolen. If you have a garage, it is best to utilize it for what it was made. This should be enough to aggravate a would be thief. But what if you don’t have a garage? Look to technology to help you prevent theft. Installing an alarm on a car is a good idea but it may not go off until someone is in the actual act of stealing it. Make sure the one you buy has some kind of visual indication that the car is armed and you can always use a steering wheel club as well.
How Insurance Covers Your Stolen Car
There’s always the possibility that you can take the best preventative measures and still have your car stolen. If this happens to you, the worst thing you can do is panic. Stay calm and immediately notify law enforcement. The sooner you place your report, the sooner the police can begin locating your vehicle. Try to keep a copy of all important information in a separate place other than your car and the best measure you can ever do is invest in comprehensive coverage for your car. This is not required by states but if your car is stolen you will be happy you paid those premiums.
If your car is not found, you will need to file a claim with your insurance company. Once the claim is resolved, the company will pay you what the estimated value of the car is. Even if your car has depreciated in value, this cushion might be enough to get a replacement car. Speak with your agent about the possibility of your car being stolen and how your current insurance coverage would react in that situation. The whole point
of insurance is to insure you against the unexpected. Take the time and make sure you are covered.