Many insurance purchasers do not think twice about the amount of insurance that they carry to protect themselves and their assets in the event of an accident. Every state sets its own criteria for minimum insurance required to drive a car, and consumers all too often just accept the state’s liability limit minimums without fully understanding the gravity of their mistakes.
Many states have set their liability limits far too low. For example, North Carolina requires car owners to maintain at a minimum $30,000 for the bodily injury of one person and a total accident limit of $60,000 for two or more people and $25,000 in property damages.
Having a low liability limit opens consumers up to devastating lawsuits should someone possibly become seriously hurt or extensive property damage ensue. Motorists need to consider raising their liability limits and would be greatly surprised at the affordability of doing so.
What Is Liability And What Are State Liability Limits?
Liability is your financial responsibility that you face if another person is injured in
an accident that you cause or if you damaged property in an accident. You have a legal liability or financial obligation for the damaged that you caused.
While every state in America has different insurance requirements, the most common liability limit today is $100,000 on most car insurance policies. A $100,000 liability limit means that you would be covered if you were found financially liable for the personal injuries you caused to others or damages done to property.
Most car insurance policies have liability coverages that are separated into bodily liability damages and property liability damages. The liability coverage is also listed on a person basis that your insurance policy will cover and on a total accident coverage basis. For example, you may be covered for $100,000 for total liability insurance per person and up to a limit of $300,000 per accident.
Too Many People Are Underinsured
Being underinsured is the result of the insurance policyholder’s failure to purchase sufficient enough insurance to protect him or her from a loss. A consumer can be underinsured in all segments of their insurance protection. For example, many homeowners do not have adequate home insurance to cover the complete rebuilding of their homes at today’s prices.
Car insurance policyholders face uninsured and underinsured motorists on a daily basis. Many car owners are underinsured in the amount of liability coverage that they carry on their car insurance policies. An underinsured policyholder may be vulnerable to lawsuits, medical bills of people they injure, lawyer fees, and a host of other costs that can quickly extend past the minimum liability coverage required by most states.
If a person is seriously injured in an automobile accident that you cause and requires extensive hospitalization, surgeries, and other care, the healthcare costs can quickly eclipse your state mandated $100,000 minimum. What if the car you hit was full of people who were injured? Your potential for liability could be extremely large and devastating if you do not have the proper amount of insurance.
The Cost Of Additional Insurance
The price of a few hundred thousand dollars of additional liability protection is almost negligible when you compare it to the amount of risk associated with low limits set by the state. For example, the average motorist can purchase an additional $200,000 in liability coverage for about an extra $50 per year.
Raising the amount of coverage to over a $1 million would only cost approximately $120 per year.
Far Too Low: Why & How To Protect Yourself
While these are generalizations made about the average person in America and everyone’s situation is different, these figures provide you with a sense of what you can expect if you chose to increase your liability insurance coverage. For raising your car insurance premiums by just a few dollars every month, you can ensure that you will be protected against lawsuits that extend past the state mandated liability limits.
Far too many car owners have purchased the state minimum level of liability coverage on the car insurance policies. This has opened them up to potentially devastating financial ruin if they were at fault in a serious accident. Consumers need to protect themselves with adequate insurance coverage that expends past the state minimums.
This holds true also the other way round: even if you are not at fault and the other driver is financially responsible – chances are that the other driver may be under-insured or even uninsured. Uninsured motorist coverage is your only protection in the case the other party can’t pay the bill.
Why Increase Your Liability Limits?
It is true that in these hard times it is quite difficult to dole out extra cash for your auto insurance but if it means extending your liability limits so that you will be saved from future financial problems, why not? You’ll never know when you will get into an accident on the road and how much damage it will cost.
Increasing your liability limits can help you from financial ruin especially when you get involved in a nasty car accident where damage to property and people is high. Even if the other motorist is underinsured or uninsured, as long as you have sufficient coverage, you will have less to worry about.
If you are planning on extending your liability limit, make sure that you discuss it first with your insurance agent. The agent’s insight on what types of auto insurance coverage can help you decide what to add to your current insurance policy so you can customize it according to your needs.
You can check out what types of auto insurance coverage are available online. Just make sure that the coverage you will need will be relevant to your needs and one that you can afford in the long run.