There are many ways that consumers can save money on their insurance policies. One of the most popular methods to save money on insurance is to bundle your policies together. For example, by having home and auto insurance together under the same insurance coverage, you can receive a discount on your insurance premiums.
Savings of Having Home and Auto Insurance Together
There are several benefits of having your home and auto insurance together under the same insurance company. One of the biggest advantages of having both policies through the same insurance company is that you receive a multi-policy discount for keeping your business in house.
It is very hard for any business to find a new customer, and the same is true for an insurance company. They would rather invest in keeping the customers they already have than spending all of their resources in finding brand new customers that they have never had any business dealings with.
This is one reason that you receive a pretty decent discount when you keep your home and auto insurance with the same insurance company. Some insurance companies can offer 15% to 20% discount on both your home and auto insurance policies just by having them both serviced by the same insurance customer.
Granted, this does depend on the type of home insurance coverage you carry and the state that you live in since insurance is often state specific. But, a discount of 20% on your home and auto insurance can save you hundreds of dollars per year in the cost of premiums.
Having Your Home and Auto Insurance On One Account
One of the benefits of having your home and auto insurance with the same insurance company is having your accounts available to you at through the same company and usually available through that company’s website. I love being able to access all of my insurance accounts right on the same homepage of my insurance provider. It is very convenient.
Another great benefit of having your home and auto insurance with the same insurance company is that you begin to develop a relationship. Everything in life and
business is built on relationships, and insurance is no different. The more you get to know your insurance agent will result in better customer service and ultimately better savings on your insurance premiums down the road.
Shop Around For Home and Auto Insurance
Do not blindly sign up for home and auto insurance from the same company without comparing rates. You should always compare rates among several insurance companies to ensure that you are receiving the best insurance rate quotes. You will often find that your insurance company will try very hard to compete to keep your business together under one roof. Do not be afraid to ask for a larger discount, and do not hesitate to play one insurance company off of another. Tell each insurance company that you are working with that you are shopping around and have gotten specific deals from specific companies. Do not be afraid to tell them how much you will save by leaving or using a different company. You will often find that insurance companies will match the offer or beat it.
Having your home and auto insurance with the same insurance company has many benefits. One of the best one is the discount that you receive on both policies. You should also not discount the benefit of having both insurance policies serviced at the same location as this helps in simplifying things for you. And, I personally love having all of my policies visible on one website or user interface since it saves me time and effort too.
Why waste time calling different insurance companies to check your home and auto insurance when you can just stick with one company to save you the trouble? If you have any questions about your policies, you can simply dial one number and get your insurance agent to answer any inquiries that you may have. This beats having to spend several minutes talking to one agent then another just to have your questions answered.
When it comes to claims, if you have bundled your insurance policies under one insurance company you can take advantage of their no-hassle claims service. You can already imagine the relief you can expect when you simply move both your home as well as auto insurance under one company especially when it is time to file claims.
Combine Insurance Policies Today
For those who are just starting to purchase insurance policies, you might want to consider getting them under one insurance company as this can prove to be beneficial to you in the long run. However, don’t buy your auto and home insurance from one company just because they are offering the lowest rates. You should learn what kind of coverage they are offering, if there are discounts available and whether their claims process is done in a short period of time.
Fortunately, finding the best insurance company these days isn’t as difficult as before thanks to the Internet. Just remember to compare quotes first before making any decision so you won’t miss out on the best deals for both your home and auto insurance. If you can spend
time shopping for clothes and other personal effects, you should also do the same with your insurance policies since they are for you and your family’s protection.