How Much Is Car Insurance? The King of all Insurance Questions Maybe you are a new car owner and you have purchased your new auto insurance policy, or perhaps you have received a renewal notice and your rate went up. You may be asking yourself, “What are the factors that influence my auto rate?” You will want to know how you[Read More »]
Louisiana Men Use Tow Truck to Steal Vehicles: How Insurance Can Protect You Against Car Theft When the average person sees a tow truck hauling a vehicle away, you generally assume that it was requested. Normally, there’s a legitimate reason for towed vehicles but two Louisiana men took advantage of this assumption. They were using a tow truck to steal cars and sell them for scraps.[Read More »]
South Dakota Sees Rise in Traffic Fatalities: How to Protect Yourself Terry Woster, Department of Public Safety spokesman, said that 125 people have died in car accidents this year. The state had enjoyed a 20% decrease in 2011 but the new numbers are troubling. At this time, they cannot pinpoint a reason as to why deaths have increased from last year[Read More »]
South Dakota Wants Tighter Teen Driving Restrictions Cell phones and cars are a hot topic right now. It’s called distracted driving (check here for more background) and can be very dangerous but at the same time, cell phone communication is essential in today’s world. We are all connected at once so to not be available to take[Read More »]
The Types of Bus-iness Insurance – Commercial Insurance For Your Bus We covered business auto insurance just on Tuesday, today, we get back with a very special case: bus-iness business insurance. But let's start with a short story: If you've ever been to Minneapolis, MN, you may have noticed what looked like tables riding down the streets. These are called “pedal[Read More »]
Towing Companies Were Gouging Sandy Victims or: Is Towing Covered By Your Auto Insurance? The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) says some Hurricane Sandy victims fell prey to tow truck companies that were gouging their rates. This is a disturbing report considering the amount of damage and loss people suffered. The NICB received reports of classic examples of gouging including one towing company that[Read More »]
Ex-Utah Trooper Hit with DUI Lawsuit – Guide To Car Insurance After a DUI/DWI Former Utah Corporal Lisa Steed has been accused of wrongfully arresting people for driving under the influence. The lawsuit alleges that hundreds of people were targeted by Ms. Steed and other troopers on her force. People would be pulled over for minor violations and then arrested for a DUI without[Read More »]
Distracted Driving Can Affect Insurance Rates Distraction on the road isn't an easy topic. There are many causes and few remedies. While the colleges at claim to have found 2-3 cups of coffee a day being such a remedy handles today other sources of distraction and especially the implication of distracted driving for your[Read More »]
Alabama Court Changes Commercial Car Total Loss Standard In 1955, the Alabama Supreme Court stated that an owner of a commercial vehicle who received compensation for damages could not also receive compensation for damages for loss of This that's feathers that buy lexapro without prescription but the it nz prescriptions online to. For purity excite pills for men[Read More »]
“War on Hail” in Texas: Unexpected Weather and Auto Insurance Last month, Texas officials held a symposium discussing the weather concern that has caused the most losses over the years: hail. While hail doesn't receive as much news coverage as hurricanes and tornadoes, its total damage in insured losses surpasses hurricanes and tornadoes combined, reaching $10.4 billion in Texas only[Read More »]